Killer Tabata Workout for Athletes
When you think of Tabata, you may not envision a workout for elite athletes. But at its core, Tabata is a high-intensity interval workout, and HIIT workouts are crucial components of any athlete’s training regimen.

The basic Tabata structure is simple: 20-seconds of intense exercise followed by 10-second of rest. Incorporate that structure with highly advanced, athletic moves and you’ve got yourself a great Tabata workout for elite athletes.

Here’s a few ideas for how a Tabata workout might look like for an elite athlete:

8-Minute Full-Body Tabata Workout For Athletes:
20 seconds: Burpees
10 seconds: Rest
Repeat 8 times for a total of 4-minutes
20 seconds: Mountain Climbers
10 seconds: Rest
Repeat 8 times for a total of 4-minutes

8-Minute Upper-Body Tabata Workout For Athletes:
20 seconds: Clap Pushups (or Raised Pushups)
10 seconds: Rest
Repeat 8 times for a total of 4-minutes
20 seconds: Supermans
10 seconds: Rest
Repeat 8 times for a total of 4-minutes

8-Minute Lower-Body Tabata Workout For Athletes:
20 seconds: Lunge Jumps
10 seconds: Rest
Repeat 8 times for a total of 4-minutes
20 seconds: Squat Jumps
10 seconds: Rest
Repeat 8 times for a total of 4-minutes

The beauty of these programs and exercises is that you need absolutely no equipment to get a great workout in. However, if you want to get serious about your training, you may want to check out our recommended (but not necessary) Tabata equipment, especially the workout bands.